Woman dusting a bookshelf and man vacuuming to get rid of dust in the home.


House dust can make asthma and allergy sufferers uncomfortable. Discover tips to help reduce or eliminate dust in your home.

Dust in your home is more than a minor nuisance — inhaling dust can trigger allergy and asthma symptoms. Learn ways to get rid of dust in your house to help everyone breathe easier.


Try these helpful tips when dusting the various surfaces in your home:

  • 使用正确的清洁工具. Avoid feather dusters and dry rags, which spread dust particles instead of capturing them.
    • 如果你经常掸灰尘, 一个纤维掸子可以让你很容易地捡起薄的, almost invisible layer of dust that accumulates on most surfaces.
    • 如果灰尘积聚,考虑使用超细纤维布. Microfiber cloths have an electrostatic charge that attracts dust.
    • 对于厚厚的灰尘层,湿布效果最好. The damp cloth collects the dust so it doesn't fly up into the air while you are cleaning.
    • 伸到紧的地方, 棉签或小棉签, clean paint brush allows you to get into any cracks in the furniture.
  • 除尘前要整理. 更多的杂物等于更多的灰尘. Reducing home clutter will help make cleaning and dusting easier since t在这里 will be less things to move around.
  • 灰尘从上到下. This makes it easier to collect the loose dust that floats down. 也可以考虑在房间里以圆形的模式移动. 用湿布擦拭:
    • 吊扇
    • 橱柜顶部和壁架
    • 通风口
    • 窗户和密封件
    • 地脚线
  • 清除家用电器上的灰尘. 超细纤维布通常就能完成这项工作. 一定要用吸尘器把电线周围的灰尘吸走, 通风口或风扇,以帮助减少过热的机会.
  • 最后进行抛光. Using a clean rag to apply the polish for a shine to your furniture. But be careful of applying it to glossy finishes as it might add a film that is hard to remove.

记住,在小事上撒上灰尘. Decorations, picture frames, artificial flowers, tops of books and knickknacks gather dust as well. 把它们移到一边,在下面除尘. And before you put them back, wipe them down or rinse them off.


定期除尘有助于改善 室内空气质量 整体呼吸系统健康. 除了除尘,你还可以试试以下小贴士:

  • 更换炉膛过滤器. Performing this task every few months can help combat house dust as well as 提高炉的效率. Try using pleated or electrostatic filters which are more effective at trapping dust instead of fiberglass filters.
  • 清洁排风机. 排气扇在使用过程中会积聚灰尘. 用软毛刷或, 随着风扇的运转, 使用一罐压缩空气清洁排气面板.
  • Install high-efficiency particle arrestance (HEPA) air filters. 以帮助改善您的整体室内空气质量, install a HEPA air purifier or add a HEPA filter to your vacuum. These filters effectively capture microscopic particles such as dust mites and pet dander.
  • 考虑在室内种植植物. While no definitive tests have been performed, researchers do believe 植物是有效的“空气净化器” 这有助于减少你家里的灰尘量.
  • 使用空气净化器. 离子净化器可以提供帮助 捕捉刺激物 and dust to help reduce indoor allergens in your main living spaces.
  • 在刮风的日子关上窗户. Dust can enter through windows and doors and may bring in pollutants, mold and pollen.


Follow these tips to tackle house dust w在这里 it accumulates most — on fabric surfaces.

  • 使用下拉窗帘,而不是百叶窗或织物窗帘.
  • Change and wash your bedding weekly and take your pillows outside to shake them like you would a rug.
  • Eliminate upholstery dust by choosing leather, wood or vinyl-covered furniture.
  • Try to launder any machine-washable drapes and curtains at least once or twice a year.
  • Consider carpet alternatives like wood and tile for your flooring. If you want carpet, look for low-pile carpet options and washable rugs.
  • Store unused clothes and other textiles in boxes or bags, rather than out in the open.
  • Vacuum at least once a week — twice a week on high-traffic areas, regardless of the type of flooring.
  • Shake out and beat large rugs and cushions with a broom or tennis racket outside.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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